
World of Lego Puzzle Boxes

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 2012-10-15 New videos in "Small" :D




Here is lots of small boxes. :)




These two boxes are very cool. The white & black one was the first "World's smallest lego puzzle box" video on YouTube. (Original video) Though it has mixed colours first, but got a nice red colour later.
The red & white has five steps (to reveal the prize) in so little space. (Original Video)




Here is a simple one, but really nice!



This is also pretty simple, but the way the mech is is cool. It's not super small, but I put this here.



This is a really cool box made by jollyrancho34. I made one myshelf but wanted to show the original video.



Here's a nice one. I have it on small.



This one of the more tyipcal lego puzzle boxes.



Here's another small as you can see...



Here's one with three small compartments.



This is one of the most simple lego puzzle boxes! Lame...



But you can also make something funny out of lego puzzle boxes. Like this! A bomb verision.



Here's a cool one, and it has a secret compartment.



Here's a flat box with a new technique.



White + Roof = Woof   This box is really nice!



This one is a remake of BrickYorkMan's first lego puzzle boxes. A little redesigned.



This is a remake of one of my first. Redesigned though.


Made this for Christmas. It's more of a compartment box though than a puzzle box. It was kind of hard to fit in a puzzle.


This is called Art beacuse it has some artistic design on it.


A new way to use a hinge.

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